Thursday, September 14, 2006

Scheduling Problems

I have scheduling problems. I am just going to drop Sociology of Development I think. The main reason is that I am having a "course collision" between sociology of development and philosophy of religion. So far I neither of the lectures that collide are being changed, and today the sociology professor changed the one lecture I didn't have a collision with to a time when I have a seminar for my other sociology class. Also, it's title doesn't reflect the course content. The course is micro-theories of sociology. Which is nice and all, but not something I really want to study in depth when I could be learning interesting things. Not to mention I already learned about micro sociological theories. I think I am going to take Society, Culture and Health. Some of my friends are in it, and I have looked at their notes and heard about the course. It sounds interesting, and I could possibly get women and gender studies credit for it in addition to sociology credit. And that would be very useful.
In other news, I am going to an annual arts festival in Bagamoyo this weekend. Amanda and I may or may not camp out with this rastafarian man she met in Tanga. We would have a separate tent from him, so do not fear. She hasn't heard back from him in a while. I don't think it will pull through. Anyways, so Saturday we will spend at the festival. Supposedly there are art displays, poetry readings, theatre, music, and dance performances. It sounds really cool. I am looking forward to going.
I am tired, and it is early in the evening still. I think that partially I get tired from feeling like I am being watched all the time, and from trying to interact with Tanzanians. I need to make a bigger effort to make friends than I do in the US, and that is tiring. But I am not here to make friendships with the other americans on the trip, or the white europeans. I am in Tanzania, I am trying to make friendships with Tanzanians.

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